About ‘She The Teacher’
As a teacher, have you ever felt completely overwhelmed one day and completely on top of the world the next? I get it! There’s a unique pressure and joy that accompany what we do as music educators. We identify with other teachers so much because our job IS a huge part of our personal identity. As a music teacher myself, I know firsthand how insanely hard and truly wonderful being a teacher is and I also understand the isolation we feel from the constant comparison game we play. I’ve been there.
I also have realized how important being a part of a community of teachers is. And that, my dear friend, is what this whole place is all about.
My hope is that this website becomes a place where you can come to feel rejuvenated as a music teacher, where you can find exciting new resources, and where you can leave remembering you are never alone in this journey of education. You are incredible and YOU are making a difference.
Let’s keep in touch! Like my page on Facebook, IG, or Twitter!
About Katrina

I’ve was a middle school choir, general music, and piano teacher for 10 years (until 2020, when I was diagnosed with cancer– more on that below). In my time as a teacher, I developed a love of designing resources and making inventive and fun content for my students.
In college, I started off as a psychology major. I’d always known that I wanted to help people and thought I could do that by becoming a counselor. But, I would walk by the music building every day on my way to class and miss singing in a raw spiritual way. It dawned on me- I could help people THROUGH singing by becoming a music teacher. In my time as a teacher, I’ve worked at two different Title 1 schools, taught thousands of incredible kids, and I’ve been able to sing every single day.
Then 2020 happened and everything changed. Coincidentally just around the beginning of the pandemic, I developed a rare type of cancer in my left lung called Neuroendocrine Cancer which completely destroyed my breathing. Removing the tumor involved removing the bottom half of my left lung. It was major surgery and healing completely took months.
I made the absolute hardest decision, but also one of my most wise- I had to quit teaching. If not, my students would be the ones who would suffer and I owed it to myself to prioritize my health. I’m still not sure if it’s forever, but it is for now.
I missed being around people and missed helping them the most. That’s when She the Teacher was really born. I wanted to find a way to still be creative and build connections with music teachers all across the globe, both inside and outside of the school buildings. In building this place, I’m living my purpose and my dream.
I’ll always refer to this era of my life as my “serendipity”. I wasn’t looking for it, I sure wouldn’t have asked for it, but I’m sure glad this season of rebirth and rediscovery found me.
My Education Background:
Bachelors in Music Education: The University of Colorado
Masters in Music Education, Conducting: The University of Colorado
(“Sko BUFFS!” 🦬💛🖤)
10 Fun Facts About Me
- I’m a crazy dog mom to Mollie & Oliver. I’m also the dog mom who puts sweaters on her pups. If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.
- I’m obsessed with anything Salt & Vinegar flavored: chips, buffalo wings, popcorn, etc.
- My favorite color is pink (betcha couldn’t tell!)
- I am known for wearing flip-flops year round. Which, in Colorado, is super risky. Have I ever told you about that time I got caught in flip flops a fire drill in the snow? You’re not a true native Coloradoan until you’ve been caught in the snow in flip-flops. That’s a prerequisite.
- My favorite food is cookie dough. Catch me on a bad day and you’ll usually find a spoonful of cookie dough not far away.
- I’m a firm believer in naps. My husband claims the research says they’ll shorten my life. Ah, maybe, but at least I’ll be wide-eyed and bushy-tailed when I go.
- I’m secretly shy & insecure. As a teacher, I’ve learned to hide that very well. It’s still there and it helps feed my ability to be honest & vulnerable.
- There are two people I talk to more than anyone else on the bad days: Jesus & my mom.
- I’m a massive fan of country music and NOT a lover of classical music which both are massive sins in the field of music education. Oops.
- I married my best friend. We met on Myspace. If that’s not #millenialromance then I don’t know what is.